Safir Teacher Training Course (TTC)

Safir Teacher Training Course (TTC) is an extensive and distinctive English language teacher training program developed by Safir Language Institute. It aims to empower individuals interested in language education and facilitate job creation. With a proficiency level of C1, you can embark on teaching English without the necessity of international or university courses. By acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills, you can initiate your teaching career at Safir or any other school.

Why Safir's TTC (Teacher Training Course)?

Online and On-site Training

We offer online courses for training English language instructors to applicants from all over Iran under the supervision of the Pol Rumi branch. Additionally, we conduct in-person courses at our Yousef Abad branch in Tehran, ensuring consistent content and educational quality.

Recruitment of Qualified Instructors

After completing the Safir TTC (Teacher Training Course), if you are interested in teaching at Safir Language Institute, you can become our colleague upon passing the entrance exam.

Valid Certification Issuance

The provider of this valid certification, backed by educational accreditation from the University of Oxford, ensures the issuance of recognized documents. The conferred certification is widely accepted by many embassies and international institutions, attesting to its credibility and meeting international standards.

Individuals participating in these courses have the opportunity to teach both in traditional classroom settings and online classes at Safir Language Institute.


Online Safir TTC Courses

Online Safir TTC Courses (VITTCO) are held monthly for all applicants across Iran. These courses are organized under the supervision of the Pol Rumi branch in Tehran and maintain the same level of quality and assessment as their in-person counterparts, ensuring no difference in the standards of education.


On-site Safir TTC Courses

On-site Safir TTC Courses (OSITTCO), also known as OSITTCO, are designed for individuals located in Tehran who prefer to participate in the instructor training course in a traditional classroom setting. These courses take place monthly at Yousef Abad branch in Tehran and maintain the same level of quality and assessment as the online courses, ensuring no difference in educational standards.



Features of Safir TTC (Teacher Training Course)

Key Features of TTC at Safir Language Academy:

In the current era, the importance of learning English is universally acknowledged. Teaching English as an empirical science demands effective learning, extending beyond mere language qualifications. Safir’s training course not only equips candidates with the latest language teaching theories but also imparts essential skills in managing training sessions and employing effective teaching methods. The course provides an opportunity for practical language teaching experience, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the teaching process through a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.

Benefits of TTC Course at Safir Language Academy:

  • The course is offered both online and in-person.
  • Convenient access to the educational platform.
  • Basic lesson plans based on Oxford University.
  • Flexible scheduling for courses.
  • Potential teaching opportunities at Safir language Academy upon course completion.
  • Issuance of a valid certificate from Safir Language Academy.

Safir conducts teacher training courses supervised by Pol Roomi branch through both online sessions on the Adobe Connect platform and in-person sessions at the Yousef Abad educational complex. The curriculum covers teaching modules, conducting TP, DEMO and briefing sessions, ensuring consistency between both centers.

Applicants can choose between online and in-person courses based on their geographical location and schedule. Graduates from each course are equipped to teach both face-to-face and online classes, highlighting a key feature of these courses.

Both the in-person TTC (OSITCO) and online language courses (VITTCO) at Safir Gofteman to the highest international education standards. They encompass live and online sessions, podcasts, videos, tests, discussion forums, and DEMO teacher practice assignments, utilizing the latest educational resources to train professional teachers.

TTC Outlines

Course orientation
Basic concepts in language teaching
Task design
Managing lessons & learning
Language systems
Listening & video activities
Error Treatment
Class Management
Course orientation
Basic concepts in language teaching
Games and instructions
Songs and chants
Receptive skills
Productive skills
Error Treatment
Class Management
Course orientation
IELTS construct
Teaching exam classes
IELTS learner
Error Treatment
Class Management
Conducting an IELTS EXAM


Teaching Practice-1
Teaching Practice-2

Safir TTC Trainers

Dr. Hanieh Kashi

Holds a PhD in ELT from Islamic Azad University, and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a university lecturer at the Islamic Azad University and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Dr. Rose Shayeghi

Holds a PhD in ELT from Kharazmi University. She is a university lecturer at Shahid Beheshti University and the Islamic Azad University and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Dr. Hossein Samoudi
Holds a PhD in ELT from Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, a CELTA from Cambridge University, as well as a teacher trainer’s certificate from TESOL Arabia. He is a university lecturer at the Islamic Azad University and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Dr. Jaber Kamali
Holds a PhD in ELT from Allameh Tabataba’i, University, and a DELTA from Cambridge University. He is a university lecturer at Farhangian University and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Dr.Amirali Mohammadkhani
Holds a PhD in ELT from Payame Noor University Postgraduate Studies Center. He is a university lecturer at Payame Noor University and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Mohammad Vessalpour
Holds a Master’s degree in English literature from Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch and a CELTA from Cambridge University. He is a manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Shahram Kianoosh
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch and a CELTA from Cambridge University. He is a manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Gelare Nasiri
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Mohsen Noroozieh
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Tarbiat Modares University and a CELTA from Cambridge University. He is a manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Shabnam Mahmoodian
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch. She is a manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Sara Zahedi

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch and a TESOL. She is a manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Elham Kamsarvi
Holds a Master’s degree in linguistics from Allameh Tabataba’i University. She is a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Nazli Jalalkhan
Holds a Master’s degree in English language and literature Allameh Tabataba’i University and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Shabnam Vahidi
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a manager and Teacher Trainer at Safir Language Academy
Narges Yazdi
Is a PhD candidate in art studies at Isfahan Fine Arts University and holds a CPE from Cambridge University. She is a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Azadeh Soleimanifar
Holds a Master’s degree in business administration from University of Science Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Edith Khodabakhshi
Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English translation from Payame Noor University of Tehran and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Mahya Mahabadi
Holds a Master’s degree in English translation from Islamic Azad University, and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Negar Salmasi
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Alzahra University and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a senior supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy, and she is one of the designers of VITTCO
Bahareh Haji Jafari
Holds a Master’s degree in plant biology from Payame-Noor University. She is a manager at the Saveh Branch and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Mahnaz Behandish
Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Programming from Tehran Technical School. She is a supervisor and Teacher Trainer at Safir Language Academy
Maryam Khaksar
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Tarbiat Modares University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy, and she is one of the designers of VITTCO
Almira Soltani
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Northern Tehran Branch. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Mariah Pir
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Gilan University. She is a branch manager at the Rasht Branch and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Maryam Tootoonchinia
Holds a Master’s in education – interdisciplinary from Frostburg State University, United States of America. She is a branch manager at the Rasht Branch and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
samira khadempour
Samira Khadempour
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Kharazmi University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Shervin Zarei
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Gilan University. He is a senior supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Monir Hosseini
Monir Hosseini

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University. A senior supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Aida Samani
Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Tehran University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Arezoo Shojaei
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University. She is a senior supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Afsar Talebi
Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English translation from Maybod University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Mohsen Moghari
Mohsen Moghari
Holds a CELTA and a DELTA from Cambridge University.   A PhD candidate in TEFL at Islamic Azad University. An educational manager and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.
Parya Parsarad
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
سفیر گفتمان
Behnaz Moayedzadeh

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Science and Research University. She is an educational manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Ali Pouria

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch and holds CELTA and TKT Certificates from Cambridge University. He also holds a KELT Certificate. He is an educational manager and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Shabnam Baghi
Shabnam Baghi
Holds a Master’s degree in Translation Studies and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a manager and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Alli Qaffari
Ali Qaffari
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch. He is an educational inspector and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Fatemeh Salarkia
Fatemeh Salarkia

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Payam Noor University, and a KELT. She is content generator and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Shahab Habibi
Shahab Habibi

Holds a Master's degree in English Literature from Shahid Beheshti University. He is an IELTS Speaking Mock Examiner, educational supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Salmeh Sadighi
Salmeh Sadighi
Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Ershad University, and a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is an educational expert and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Mina Radbod
Mina Radbod
Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Technology from Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK., and a TEFL level 5. She is a teacher trainer and supervisor at Safir Language Academy
Hossein Seyfi Rad
Hossein Seyfi Rad
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Allameh Tabtaba’I University, and a CELTA from Cambridge University. He was an educational supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Shahrzad Ramezani Bayani
Shahzad Ramezani Bayani
Holds a CELTA from Cambridge University and IELTS 8.5. She is currently a TEFL PhD Student. She is a supervisor, IELTS instructor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Shirin Matinfar
Shirin Matinfar
Holds a Master’s degree in English from Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central branch. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Parisa Mirzaei
Parisa Mirzaei

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, and a TEA from Oxford Teachers’ Academy. Also an executive manager of virtual education and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy. 

Aids Kamali
Aida Kamali
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch. She is a branch manager at Rasht branch and teacher trainer at Safir Language Acadamy
Reihaneh Atighi
Reihaneh Atighi
Holds a Bachelor’s degree in TEFL from Azad University. She is a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Fariba Atfian
Fariba Atfian
Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Guilan University. She is a branch manager at Rasht branch and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy
Negin Naraghi

Holds a Master’s degree in English Literature from Islamic Azad University. She is an IELTS group manager and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Mohammad Shirvani Moheb

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Kharazmi University. He is an educational manager, supervisor, and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Makda Shooshtaryzadeh

She is a PhD candidate in ELT from Science and Research University, and holds a CELTA from Cambridge University. She is a certified teacher trainer from British Council. She is a branch manager, IELTS instructor, and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Elnaz Pouragha Shah Neshin

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Science and Research University. She is an educational expert and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Vida Akhtarijoo

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning from Islamic Azad University. She is a senior supervisor, IELTS instructor, and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Elham Mohamadinazar

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Alzahra University. She is a supervisor and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Ashkan Vasheqani Farahani
Ashkan Vasheqani Farahani

Holds two Bachelor’s degrees in Physics and in Japanese Literature. He is an educational manager and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

MirMohammad Kazemian
MirMohammad Kazemian

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Translation from Islamic Azad University of Tehran. IELTS branch manager, IELTS instructor, and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy. Attained two certificates- KELT and Personal & Professional development in ELT from TESOL Arabia.

Saman Khalili Sadatlou
Saman Khalili Sadatlou

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Azad university.
Former senior supervisor. An English language instructor since 2009, and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Golsa Dastgirzade
Golsa Dastgirzade

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Islamic Azad University and a CELTA and DELTA Module 1 and Module 3 from Cambridge University.  She is currently working as a teacher and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Negar Aminian
Negar Aminian

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Islamic Azad University. She’s a senior supervisor, a CELTA and TKT holder and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Pooneh Ghafari
Pooneh Ghafari

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from PNU. A senior supervisor and IELTS instructor at Safir’s IELTS Branch. An English language teacher since 2012.

Mohammad Reza Akbari
Mohammad Reza Akbari

Holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Petroleum engineering from Amirkabir University. Also, a master’s student in TEFL at University of Tehran. A supervisor at R&D department of Safir Language Academy.

Mahdi Bijani Sharif
Mahdi Bijani Sharif

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, and a CELTA and DELTA from Cambridge University. A senior supervisor and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Mostafa Dayyani
Mostafa Dayyani

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Tarbiat Modares University. A university lecturer. An English language teacher and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Maryam Hajiyazdi
Maryam Hajiyazdi

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Translation from PNU. A branch manager, IELTS instructor and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Saba Shadjoo
Saba Shadjoo

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pure Chemistry from Shahid Beheshti University. A senior supervisor and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Marjan Sabeti
Marjan Sabeti

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University. A supervisor, an IELTS instructor, and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

نوشین ملکی
Nooshin Maleki

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Alzahra University. A Master’s degree in Study of Art from Islamic Azad University. A senior supervisor and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Fatemeh Balali
Fatemeh Balali

Holds a Master’s degree in Teaching English from Tehran University.

A senior supervisor and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy

Elham Sabaee
Elham Sabaee

Holds an Associate degree in Statistics from Tehran University and a Bachelor’s degree in English translation from the University of Applied Science. A senior supervisor, and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Marjan Zamani
Marjan Zamani

Holds a CELTA from Cambridge University with over 10 ten years of experience in teaching English. She has been an educational supervisor and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Hadis Nooshkia
Hadis Nooshkia

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry engineering. She is a branch manager and KELLT certified from TESSOL Arabia.

Sarah Dolatabadi
Sarah Dolatabadi

Holds a CELTA from Cambridge University and TESOL from Sydney Higher Education Institute. an educational supervisor and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Zeinab Sadat Booyeh
Zeinab Sadat Booyeh

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch. She is a branch manager and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Sara Behzadi
Sara Behzadi

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from Shariati Technical university. She is a senior supervisor and IDP certified IELTS instructor at Safir IELTS Branch and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Mohammad Jeddi
Mohammad Jeddi

Holds a Master’s degree in TEFL From Gilan University. He is an IELTS instructor, educational supervisor, and teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

Seyedeh Soroor Ali Mirsalari
Seyedeh Soroor Ali Mirsalari

Holds a master's degree in Executive Management from Isfahan University and has been teaching English for over 16 years. Currently, she is working as a senior academic officer in the teacher training center at Safir Language Academy.

Mohammad Ali Frajad
Mohammad Ali Frajad

Majored in English translation. He also holds a CELTA from Cambridge University. He has been teaching English for over 20 years. He is a senior academic officer in the teacher training center.

Masoud Shaghaghi
Masoud Shaghaghi

Holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Erfurt University, Germany. He is an Academic inspector and a teacher trainer at Safir Language Academy.

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Application Process for Safir TTC (Teacher Training Course)

  • Regular Entry Method (Suitable for Individuals with Limited or No Teaching Experience)

    Individuals interested in teaching English with little or no teaching experience can opt for the Regular Entry method. In this approach, prospective English language instructors participate in two examinations, both oral and written (conducted online), to assess their language proficiency.

    Upon receiving the results of these examinations, accepted applicants will be contacted to proceed with the registration for the Safir Teacher Training Course (TTC). For those applicants who are not accepted in the aforementioned exams, feedback on their performance will be sent via email. After reviewing and addressing their areas of improvement, they can submit a request form and participate in the exam after 40 days.

  • Express Entry Method (Suitable for Experienced English Language Instructors Interested in Collaboration with Safir)

    This method is the fastest approach for the employment of English language instructors and requires applicants to meet a minimum of three conditions from the following:

    Criteria for Collaboration with Safir Language Institute through Express Entry:

    1. More than 5 Years of English Teaching Experience: Applicants should have a minimum of five years of experience in teaching English.

    2. Previous Collaboration with Recognized Educational Institutions: A history of collaboration with reputable educational institutions is highly valued.

    3. Possession of Specific Credentials (e.g., DELTA, CELTA): Holding specific certifications such as DELTA or CELTA is a requirement.

    4. Experience in Teaching Instructor Training Courses: Previous experience in teaching instructor training courses is preferred.

    Prospective candidates meeting these criteria will have their applications reviewed by the Safir Gofteman training team for consideration.

Course Completion Certificates

تی تی سی

If you need any advice or guidance, just call us at numbers you see here

VITTCO Costumer Support

Online TTC Course

OSSITCO Costumer Support

On-Site TTC Course